
Content Partnership for Closed-Ends 390 242 emily

Content Partnership for Closed-Ends


Courtney Woodworth of AssetTV (center left) with the CEFA team

SGI has returned from the latest conference held for the Closed-End Fund Association, the Miami Advisor Summit. Over one hundred professionals attended the event which included presentations on CEF investing and featured up to 4 hours of CE credit for advisors. But before the day began Asset TV was there taping interviews with CEF portfolio and product managers. This video content will receive wide distribution through Asset TV’s network and other outlets, bringing the conference to those that could not attend and it’s all because of a content marketing effort that SGI has put together for the industry.

Learn more about the Content Marketing Program

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TIAA-CREF Hosting Distribution & Product Leaders

Best Practices for Distribution & Product Teams

Distribution and product leaders will gather in April to share best practices, exchange ideas and engage in candid conversations. Hosted by TIAA-CREF and produced for the MFEA, both the Product and Distribution Councils will hold full-day sessions focusing on issues facing their practice areas. A joint session will also be held to explore the changing distribution model and its impact on product teams. More details will be announced in early 2015.

The Product and Distribution Councils are part of the MFEA Executive Council Program, developed and managed by SGI. These groups, which also include the Digital and Marketing Councils, provide one-of-a kind forums for senior fund executives to interact with their peers—and their colleagues from other practice areas—to develop the very best strategies for investors and advisors.

The MFEA is the industry trade association for mutual fund marketers and distributors, managed and operated by SGI. Visit MFEAConnect.com for more information.

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Charles Schwab Held MFEA’s eCommerce Summit

Senior Digital, eCommerce and electronic distribution strategists gathered at Charles Schwab on May 15th for this unique industry event for presentations and hard-hitting discussions on social, mobile, predictive responsive, compliance analytics and more. Chris Rippey of Google will provide the keynote presentation and host a tour of Google Mountain View campus the afternoon prior to the event.

Agenda Highlights

  • Google Keynote- Chris Rippey, Head of Industry, Brokerage & Investments
  • CASE STUDY – Social Media:  Evolving Beyond the “Like” – Influencing Culture, Embracing Compliance & Helping Reinvent Distribution Strategies
  • Digital Strategies:  Moving Beyond the Buzz
  • Executive Roundtable Discussions