Single Version of Truth: Client Data Toolbox

In conjunction with the newly released white paper “Data—are you riding the crest or drowning?” SalesPage partnered with DataInnovatorsSM to deliver exclusive insight about client data strategies. With a focus on strategies for finding the much-sought-after “Single Version of Truth,” listeners hear actionable advice on working within their confines.

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For your convenience, we’ve captured a couple quick discussion highlights below:

1. An SVT approach doesn’t set third-party data aside, it aims to provide clarity. Whether you’re working exclusively with internal data or both internal and external third-party data, an SVT approach brings it all together.

2. A Client Data Platform (CDP) is the key to establishing an SVT. A successful CDP will bring the following properties together:
• Standardization
• Consolidation
• Accessibility

For the story behind the podcast, check out SalesPage’s white paper: Data—are you riding the crest or drowning? This white paper explores the problems asset managers face when it comes to standardizing data and how a client data platform can help solve them.